A place to learn
The history of the world was recorded by historians but written by great people (just like you!). The Plutarch Project: Articles are an archive of some of the interesting, but relatively unknown, figures and subjects in history. Each has left an indelible mark on the face of the world. It’s not our place to judge them or their actions, but we love sharing information about them. Just click on the picture to read the article. If listening is more your style check out our PODCAST. Take a look around and stay awhile. If you like what you see feel free to share. If you’re really into what you see consider SUPPORTING US (even a simple click on an ad (sorry!) helps the cause and keeps this site up and running).
There will be plenty more to come! If you’d like to know more or have a recommendation please don’t hesitate to let us know! You can reach us at Suggestions and Comments in the sidebar, at Theplutarchproject@gmail.com, or on Facebook . Thanks for stopping by and ONWARD!