Samurai syllables

English pronunciation can be difficult. Don’t worry, Samurai Syllables here to help. Along with our mission of spreading the Humanities we also have a passion for language learning. One very important aspect of language learning is pronunciation. Why spend countless hours mimicking a robotic voice when you can practice in a fun way? Practice your pronunciation with Samurai Syllables YouTube channel instead (don’t forget to subscribe!) ! We will soon be able to be taken on the go as well via podcasting! Check out our videos below and start pronouncing words like a pro!

Tongue twisters are phrases meant to twist and turn your tongue in fun and often funny ways. Samurai syllables searches the web to find the most fun and challenging tongue twisters to help improve your pronunciation. We will be adding more all the time!

#1 He reversed the verse when he rehearsed

Be sure to practice everyday. Just like when training your body your mouth muscles need to be kept in shape as well. Be sure to let us know in the comments of the video if you are able to say them or not!

#2 Fair price for the fifth prize
I Saw Susie Sitting in a shoeshine shop. Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits