Amamikyu and The Okinawa Origin Story

The following is a retelling of the Okinawa Origin story. It focuses on the creation of the islands by the goddess Amamikyu. It is a rich tale vibrantly interconnected with the lovely people and gorgeous lands of Okinawa.

In the beginning…

When the earth was still young, before the islands now known as Okinawa dotted the turquoise and deep blue seas, the world below was empty—no land, no people, nothing but endless ocean stretching toward the horizon. From the celestial heights the great Heavenly Emperor (天帝) gazed down and decided that this void must be filled. But who could accomplish such a task? The Heavenly Emperor decided upon a divine being by the name of Amamikyu (阿摩美久). He called to her and said, “Although there are many places below here where spirits reside, the fact that there are not yet islands is regrettable. You should go down to make islands.” In obedience to the Heavenly Emperor she obeyed and descended to begin her task.

The Creation of the Ryukyu Islands

Amamikyu descended from the heavens and wherever her feet touched new islands sprouted beginning with the sacred island of Kudaka. Once the rocky lands were complete she took a moment to look at her new creations. They stood barren of greenery and void of life. She lifted her head toward the heavens and spoke, “I have made and offer these islands, but I wish to also present trees and grass among the stones and earth for you.” the Heavenly Emperor, and in response, he sent another divine spirit, Shinerikyu (志仁禮久), to bring her trees, grasses, and stones.

With these gifts from the heavens, Amamikyu and Shinerikyu breathed life into the Ryukyu archipelago. She built sacred sites such as Sefa-utaki and constructed Tamagusuku castle and Chinen castle, forming the foundation of the vibrant world that was to become the home of the Ryukyuan people.

The Birth of the People

The land was lush and vibrant but empty of souls. There were no people to walk its shores, till its fields, or sing its praises. Amamikyu once again looked to the Heavenly Emperor and asked for the creation of humankind. Yet, none of the other gods wished to descend to Earth.

And so, through divine mystery, Amamikyu conceived a child with Shinerikyu—not through mortal means, but by the will of the heavens. From their union, the first people of the Ryukyu Islands were born, and generations flourished under their care and guidance.

The Rise of the Ryukyu Kingdom

Time passed, and among Amamikyu’s descendants, a child of divine lineage was born—Tentei, the “heavenly grandchild.” It was he who established the order of Ryukyuan society, dividing his people into five sacred roles:

  • His eldest son, Tenson, became the first King of Ryukyu.
  • The second son took on the mantle of Aji, a feudal lord who would rule over the land.
  • The third son became the first farmer, ensuring the people were fed.
  • His first daughter became the royal Noro priestess, guiding the spiritual heart of the kingdom and connecting them to the heavens.
  • The second daughter served as the village Yuta priestess, watching over the people’s daily lives and guiding them through tough times.

From these five roles, the Ryukyuan way of life was born—the perfect balance of leadership, labor, and spirituality.

Amamikyu’s Eternal Rest: Hamahiga Island

Amamikyu’s work is now a distant memory in Ryukyu culture. But, her presence continues to linger on in the material world. Her final resting place is said to be on Hamahiga Island, where a sacred tomb honors her memory. To this day, visitors come to pay their respects, leaving offerings and prayers. Some claim that a visit to the island and her tomb aids in fertility

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