A place to learn
With great memes comes great responsibility to share them. We have taken this message to heart and spent countless hours exploring the deepest corners of the web, cataloguing intriguing memes from coast to coast-sea to shinging sea- to bring you the very best humanities memes we could place our delicately manicured hands on. Credit has been given to those whom sources could be found. If you created one of these glorious humanities memes and wish to be credited shoot us an email and it will be taken care of. Now it’s finally time for volume 2 of our best humanities memes, sit back, tune in, and party on! If you missed it you might want to head on over to the best humanities memes vol. 1! To start things off we will begin with a few history memes:
It is much more difficult to find hilarious philosophy memes than we initially thought. So tucked into the following sections are a few randoms that beg you to chuckle, just a little, in-between the thought provoking exigences of navel gazers.
Thanks for checking out the best humanities memes volume 2! (Did you check out volume 1?) If you thoroughly enjoyed this content check out our ARTICLES, PODCAST, YouTube And FACEBOOK (Literally a meme page at this point) all dedicated to spreading the humanities. Feel free to send us your own favorite memes and we will credit you in the next post! Thanks for stopping by! ONWARD!