Best Humanities Memes Vol. I


The Best Humanities Memes … probably not the first thing you thought you would come across when you awoke this morning. Internet memes have become an ambient part of our daily lives. From cats doing silly things to Sarcastic Wonka sharing irony to Escobar displaying how lonely we feel as we wait for Covid-19 to end. The humanities, particularly history and philosophy, are frought with fantastic examples of how internet memes can make us giggle, think, and rethink our lives and the ideas that help frame them. This is the best of humanities memes from across the web. You will notice those taken from sites such as reddit still have their attribution. Though others, with perhaps more devious or mysterious roots, remain unattributed. If you know the origin of the meme… let us know and we will be sure to attribute it to a page, person, or government agency. If you have any humanities memes to share with us we can spotlight them on our FACEBOOK page! Yo! Don’t forget to check out Volume 2 of the best of Humanities Memes! Just shoot us a message and we will be sure to attribute you as the contributor (if you want). Enjoy and feel free to share with your humanities loving friends!

History memes

Lets start off our jaunt through the humanities memes with a few glimpses at history through the lens of the modern meme. This is by far our longest category for volume one. Be sure to share your favorites and to attribute the original meme smith (not us!) if its apparent.

Philosophy Memes

Thinking about thinking. Philosophy is a dense act that a lot of folks find themselves proclaiming to partake in. These humanities memes are sure to get you thinking and perhaps even breathing through your nose (because it is weird to laugh while staring at a screen by yourself, right?) Be sure to keep an eye out for humanities memes volume II highlighting philosophy memes. Enjoy!

Funny miscellaneous Humanities memes

The rest posted here are an odd assortment of various facets of the humanities (psychology, mythology, literary theory, etc.). Enjoy!

Thanks for checking out Volume I of the best Humanities memes. Feel free to check out VOLUME ” of the best Humanities memes. A special thanks for all the meme smiths out there putting in their time and effort for thought provoking and charming memes for us to enjoy! If you liked this check out our ARTICLES, PODCAST, or YouTube channel based on various facets of the Humanities. Don’t forget to check us out on FACEBOOK and to share this page! Onward!

If you can’t figure out the references to the memes… perhaps you too should become a researcher!